©Kirton News 2025

March 2013

The Editors Letter

Hello Kirton. Firstly, some news from the Village. I’ve been cornered on several occasions lately with a few grumbles and gripes which are worth a mention.

Hopefully we might elicit a response from the relevant parties, or comments from some of the rest of you.

Bus Stops: would it be possible to organise some shelter for the waiting passengers? The new (ish) structure near the Boots store in Boston has been cited as an example of the sort of thing.

Benches: how about a few more places for folks to meet, sit and ponder, placed in various points around the village (especially on the estates) ?

Fallen Leaves, etc: the amount of uncleared leaves and rubbish lining the gutters (especially, once again, on Hardwick, etc.) which only serve to make the pavements even more treacherous after the snowfalls.

We have, in the past, acknowledged the sterling work of the Friday Club and Mrs. Westwood around the centre of Kirton - and will continue to do so but, can more be done to tend to the outlying areas?

Can anyone supply some answers? Meanwhile, if any of you want to quiz the Parish Council directly on these or other matters then, from this month, we are publishing the times and dates of forthcoming PC meetings. Get along and have your say.

So on to a request from the Borough Council. They are on a mission to improve your (our) lot but need input. We’ve been asked to pass this on:-

Boston Borough Council and South Holland District Council are working together to produce a local plan for their combined area. This will be used to guide development; such as house building, employment and shopping. The benefit to local people is to have a say in the future of their physical, social and economic environment and the purpose of this message is to increase awareness of the opportunity to participate.

As part of the process we will be undertaking a six week public consultation on a draft document in late April to early June. Meetings will be held in Kirton (and other areas, dates and venues to be decided) and the local library will also hold information for public inspection.

The Local Plan is a strategic level statutory planning policy document and the Council’s legal responsibility is to consult with the community on the proposals as widely as is possible.

Advertisements will be placed in local papers nearer the time to notify the places to be visited. Information will also be placed on the web site http://southeastlincslocalplan.org/  as preparations for the consultation are finalised.

In the mean time if you have any queries please contact: Peter Udy, Forward Planning Officer, Boston Borough Council. Tel: 01205 314327

Happy to oblige Peter. And, as with the Parish business, if you don’t turn up and give your input don’t expect to be noticed if you want to have a whinge at a later date!

ALL have a voice, let’s use it!


Stock appeal for British Heart Foundation
in Boston

We raise money in our store to save lives. This includes funding for  heart equipment for local hospitals, public places, heart nurses, preventative work and awareness of heart disease.

Unfortunately, at some point most us will have family, friends or colleagues who will be touched by heart disease and 100% the of profits raised by us go towards helping with those who suffer.

We are hoping you could help us with our cause and at no cost to yourselves.

Getting the stock to sell in our shop is becoming increasingly difficult. We have to pay costs for the van, which collects our bags on the doorsteps, and sometimes these are stolen by persons using them to make a profit for themselves, even though they have been specifically left for our charity.

I’m urging  the people of Kirton to call 01205 366056 for a free collection if they want to donate or to hold onto their goods and donate them to the BHF Boston  when it’s safe to do so.

Everyone can help BHF Boston by donating good quality clothing, shoes, accessories, CDs, DVDs, books, toys and bric-a-brac.  We’d love anything that you could give to us.

If you’re clearing out your home and you’re struggling to remove that unwanted sofa, wardrobe or Hi-Fi the BHF Kings Lynn Furniture & Electrical Store also offers a free collection for those larger, good quality items which can be booked online at bhf.org.uk/collection.

Thank you so much for reading this and I hope to hear from you.



First Call Volunteers Needed
Supporting MacMillan Cancer Support

Think of the British Red Cross and you might first think of first aid workers at public events or rescue teams at any of the international crises that seem to regularly occur in the world. But there is a local service provided by the Red Cross in Lincolnshire that might not be so well known. In addition to all the other services that the Red Cross provides, it also offers a care in the home facility called First Call that provides support to people within their own homes.

Recently the Red Cross has joined forces with MacMillan to support palliative and end of life patients. This can include the provision of one or more of the following:

i) Being a friend that can provide companionship and emotional support

ii) Practical support with things like shopping, domestic tasks, arranging transport etc

iii) Signposted to other organisations or sources of help

iv) Occasional or regular telephone support calls where people can discuss problems.

Although the service is time limited, it is invaluable in supporting Macmillan nurses and other medical practitioners by providing basic services that are otherwise not available. It provides support at a very difficult time both for patients and for their carers and supporters.

Referrals for this service will come directly from MacMillan staff and will operate in the Bourne, Stamford, Market Deeping, Crowland, Grantham and Sleaford areas.

We need volunteers who have the time to visit and support clients in these areas.

If you, or someone you know, is willing to volunteer their services to this worthwhile project please contact us on 0845 054 7171 or email us on firstcall@redcross.org.uk

For more information on the British Red Cross please visit http://redcross.org.uk


A Lincolnshire Family
and The Power Game

A potted history of the Irby Family by John Almond - local historian.

This ancient former local family certainly grew to be powerful. During the sixteenth and seventeenth and to the mid eighteenth centuries they were large landholders, lawyers, M.Ps and once Sheriff of Lincolnshire. Later to rise into the peerage of the realm, with the title Baron Boston.

It is thought that the Irby family first originated in this country from one of the families' ancestors, who was a follower of William the Conqueror, and settled in Cumberland. But it has also been reported that this family had the blood of the Scottish King, Malcolm 11, flowing through their veins. The Irebys (the family name has had several spelling interpretations over the years) probably settled first in Cumbria at High Ireby, and later at Low Ireby, now just Ireby on modern maps. The link with Lincolnshire begins with Robert Erbeye, marrying a daughter of Herbert Flynton and his wife, Cecilia de la Launde. The de la Launde family owned land in Scaleby Cumberland and Laceby in Lincolnshire.

Members of the family were living in Lincolnshire by the early fourteenth century. As there are details of a John, son of Adam de Ireby, who is mentioned as giving evidence at an inquest at Spillesby that he purchased a tenement in Cotes (does this mean the village we now know as Keal Cotes?) in December 1328.

The first real traceable member of the family is Robert Irby of Laceby, who married Joan Thimbleby of Poolham nr Horncastle. It would seem that he was the first member of the family to settle in south Lincolnshire, as there is a Robert Herbye mentioned as a church warden at Moulton in 1517. From there the family spread into other local villages of Moulton, Whaplode, Sutterton, Swineshead, Gosberton, unfortunately there is no mention of Kirton.

The family were now climbing in society, but like most families there was a black sheep. In 1517 Ambrose Irby had obtained land in Moulton. He was accused along with Sir Robert Kitson, and others including a priest, of murdering John Gannesby, and a William Hell of Moulton. In both cases it was alleged that he had conspired with both widows for the sum of £10. It so happened that the coroner was his brother Anthony, of Gosberton, so it is of no surprise that he was not charged.

Anthony was more than likely the first family member to enter into the legal profession. He was admitted to Lincoln’s Inn, 10 Nov 1522, and was a member of the Corpus Guild at Boston, and is mentioned as raising a troop of eighty men for King Henry V111 during the Lincolnshire rising of 1536. He would appear to be the first of the family to take the real upward step in the affairs of the county and beyond that would ultimately lead to the peerage.

Continued next month.


Church Bulletins

Wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) apparently appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

The sermon this morning: ‘Jesus Walks on the Water.’ The sermon tonight: ‘Searching for Jesus.’
Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands

Remember in prayer the many who are sick in our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say ‘Hell’ to someone who doesn’t care much about you.

Don’t let worry kill you off - let the Church help.

Miss Charlene Mason sang ‘I will not pass this way again,’ giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be ‘What Is Hell?’ Come early and listen to our choir practice.

For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get.

Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.

A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.

Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.




The Kirton Church Fund

The February draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.

The March draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church Fund .The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Currently we have fewer than 30 members taking part so there is plenty of room for more members (and a very good chance of winning).

You could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win!  Anyone over 18 may take part.

Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage.

For more information please ring Fay on 01205 723529


January 2013 Winners

Kirton Kids Club

Our first half term of 2013 is nearly over – how quickly everything seems to be changing.

The snowdrops along the foot path near the church are showing signs of life and can be seen from the club windows – their blanket of white will soon herald the start of spring.

The children will be involved in their ‘growing to eat’ activity again and no doubt will come up with more ideas of things we can grow so they can eat.

This year the new fruit trees should produce one or two fruits – it will be interesting to see what happens and to which trees as there are various ones set.

New children have settled in nicely and enjoy the activities on offer each morning and afternoon along with the ‘old hands’ who have been coming to the club on a regular basis for a while.

They all get involved in many arts and crafts, games and activities with friends and classmates.

The club enables working parents to extend their day outside of school times, those in further education the chance to continue their studies in the knowledge that their children are safe and happy with friends and staff.

Alternatively if you just need some time either or both ends of the school day on a less regular bases – it is easy to register your child.

The club is a non profit making charity and as such parents and carers will be pleased to know that all money is put straight back into the club.

Our fees are kept affordable to enable more parents the chance to access the facility.

All profits are passed onto your children when they attend in the form of activities, toys and workshops they enjoy each day.

Parents and carers are more than welcome to come and have a look around or bring your child/children for a FREE taster session – most children do not want to leave!


Sutterton Surgery
Society 200 Club

Win big prizes and support your local Surgery. For just £2 a month why not join our 200 Club and add your details to the waiting list at reception, as a ticket becomes available you will be notified.

May we please remind all members that subscriptions are due before the end of the first week of the current months draw. Subscriptions may be taken into the surgery reception where staff will be pleased to help.

If there are difficulties for members getting to the surgery please inform staff and your subscriptions can be collected from your home.

January 2013 Winners


Sutterton Children’s Centre Calendar
February 2013

MON: Child Health Clinic (Drop In), 10am – 12noon
Health Visitor Clinic, 2pm – 4pm by appointment only
Introduction to Solids 12:30 -1:30 - 4th March only

TUE: Midwife Clinic, 9am – 1pm by appointment - 12th & 26th March only
Baby Peep: 10.00am - 11:30am
Booking Required - term time only

WED: Come and Play Together - 0-5 years
10.00am-11:30am - term time only

THU: Music Tots Drop In (Babies) 9.30am - 10.15am
Music Tots Drop In (Mixed Age) 10.30am - 11.15am
Childminder Activity Session 9.30 – 11:30am
Term time only

FRI: Health Visitor Clinic,
10.00am – 12 noon by appointment only

Opening 9am-5pm, Monday to Thursday
Hours: 9am -4:45pm Friday


Letters to the Editor

Dear Kirton News,

Wide open skies echoing to the sound of birdcalls. Ducks dabbling at the water’s edge whilst dragonflies zoom past and families stroll through the Lincolnshire countryside or take part in one of the fun activities on offer. This is the RSPB’s Frampton Marsh reserve, just outside Boston.


Hi, I am Chris. The newly appointed Visitor Services officer for the site. Some of you will have had contact before with Laura Harpham, who I am replacing. Some of you will already know me, from my time working for the RSPB in Rutland and North Northants. Some of you, no doubt, will never have heard of us at all! Hello to one and all.

 This is just a quick email to introduce myself, and to let you know that I shall be starting to send out regular media releases, letting you know all the wonderful things that are happening on the reserve. Should you have a media story yourself that you would like a local RSPB voice to comment on, please feel free to get in touch by email or through the telephone numbers below.


Keep Kirton Tidy Campaign

An article from Stan Naylor published when he was Chairman of Kirton Parish Council in the early nineties. Perhaps we are all guilty at some time or other of dropping litter on the ground.  Can we not ask ourselves, what do we really do with our rubbish when moving around the village?

Many eat sweets and chocolates, what happens to the wrappers? Those who eat lollypops, what do you do with the sticks?

Soft drinks are lovely in the summer time, what happens to the cans and plastic bottles? Everyone knows fish & chips are very tasty when wrapped in paper, where does the paper go? Cigarette smokers - sorry folks, but what do you do with the packets and cigarette ends?

Can we not therefore endeavour to put rubbish in a bin, and I know bins can be few and far between, then why not take the rubbish home?

It is an offence to throw rubbish on the ground, in order therefore to avoid a fine, dispose of rubbish in a proper manner.  Let us try to keep the centre of the village, Community Centre and Town Hall areas tidy, not forgetting the side streets, your Parish Council will be most grateful.


St Thomas’ Parent & Toddler Group

Dear readers, I’d like to tell all local parents, carers and childminders about a really good Parent & Toddler Group in Boston, “St.Thomas’ Parent & Toddler Group”, it’s held every Tuesday Morning 9:30am – 11:30am term time only at St.Thomas’ Church Hall on London Road, Boston (next to ATS Euromaster).

Ages Newborn to 4 years welcome.

We do different scheduled fun activities for parents to do with their children each week as well as a singing session.

Snacks such as fruit, biscuits and juice are available for the children and parents have the option of tea or coffee with a nice selection of biscuits too.

There are many different toys to play with ranging in ages from baby walkers to rattles also there’s a play kitchen with utensils.

Also we’ll be organising a summer trip in June providing transport to the chosen venue, and we hold a Sports day for the children and parents to take part in this will be in July. We’ve also held a stall at the Boston Community Showcase for the past few years.

Children also receive Birthday cards and a present come their special day and get to meet a special person come Christmas in which each child receives a gift. We also hold various parties throughout the year like an Easter Party (inc. Easter egg hunt), Summer Leavers Party, Halloween Fancy Dress Party, and a Christmas Party.

We also invite a professional photographer in, towards the latter part of the year in which parents can have their children’s photos taken.

This group is run by a team of dedicated volunteers who are trained in various areas e.g. First Aid, Child Protection and A.I.M’s award in voluntary sector management – Level 2, also every team member is CRB checked. We have many policies in place all of which are available for viewing whenever people wish to read them and a comments folder welcoming feedback from all involved.

There’s a joining fee of £1 per child, then admission prices are £1.50 per child each week and 50p per additional child.

If anyone would like any further information this can be found using the following methods:

Facebook page: St Thomas Parent and Toddler Group

Netmums.com: St Thomas Parent & Toddler Group

Or by contacting: Emma Thorlby, Head Chairperson on 07535 449865 or Clare Howsam, Vice Chairperson on 07841 658600


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Roman Oscar Michael Cooper - at the Methodist Church
Chloe Sue Lovelace - at the Methodist Church
Jacob William Moore

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

no funerals



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

Royal British Legion Women’s Section............£20

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.